First Meteorite Sighting!
It is really cold around here. Observing Orion, there are a lot of stars around it. I cannot identify
a single constellation other than Orion, because I don't have any star maps. I am thinking of making a
naked eye sky map.
While observing Orion I saw a star near Betelguese. It appeared from nowhere. It moved in a medium speed.
It went near the star Saiph in the constellation of Orion. When it reached Saiph it disappeared. I guess it
was a meteorite or something.
I also saw a patch of light near the zenith. I think it is the Pleadies star cluster.
I had also read that a red super giant star is going to explode into a supernova or neutron star in a matter of
years. I think it is the star Betelguese in the Orion Constellation. I have not seen the Moon for some days.